Benefits of honey for the bones


eMediNexus Editorial    28 December 2019

Honey is a natural product that contains various natural macro- and micronutrients, including fructose and glucose. It also contains enzymes, amino acids, proteins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, organic acids, vitamins, and minerals. Honey has been found to have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating, hypotensive, and antitumor properties.

Honey has been found to have a potential role in preventing osteoporosis. Many types of honey have been shown to prevent bone loss in experimental models on account of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. There have been reports of increased bone mineral density in experimental models given honey compared to those given a sugar-free diet.

Honey has also been shown to enhance biomechanical strength of femoral bone in ovariectomized models, thus suggesting that honey could prevent bone fragility induced by estrogen deficiency. In human studies, honey has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in postmenopausal women. This property of honey could have a role in protection against postmenopausal osteoporosis. Additionally, among postmenopausal women, daily consumption of honey for four months was shown to be safe and exerted the same effect on bone densitometry as hormone replacement therapy.

Therefore, on account of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, honey can exert beneficial effects on bones and can have a potential role in preventing osteoporosis.

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